Trading with Renko on bar close
Portfolio Analyzer Within NinjaTrader Possible?
Strategy Only takes the very first trade on chart
all forcasted values returns 0
Divergence Analyser - not plotting default settings
syntax issues
Missing downloadable resource for the class
Creating Charts : errors with LiveCharts.dll files
Stop and Profit Target orders sometimes not created in sim
ATM Chart Custom Bars
Volume Delta
Me da un error y estoy bastante frustrado por que eh perdido en real
Are there good NinjaScript open source resources
Validating Strategies course resources
Multi Timeframe Indicators using OnEachTick option
Adding a number of ranges for a number of bars
How to use template
Parameters location
Using second bars like 10 second and1 minute data series
Download link doesn't work.
OnOrderUpdate(IOrder order)
Data Collector
Trailing stop metod
Architect Code: Ninja does not compile "MyMaType"
emaAngle Code: Ninja does not compile "MyMaType"
Collect data from Output window to an array/list
Issues using Mode OnEachTick
Plausibility check Any/All EntryModuleMode
NinjaTrader.Cbi and some commands not recognized using VS 2017
Is this addon safe to use? Ninjatools-Binance
Ninjatrader.Custom.csproj file accessed in Visual Studio
Instrument Opening Time
Extracting 80% of middle trades and counting average trade
Combining a breakeven trigger then trailing the stop to completion
Average trade value as optimization parameter
TradeStation Index Metric
Martingale system
How to integrate licensing on my ninja trading strategies ?
Template works fine on sim account but not on live
is this forum still active?
Update User Data in XAML
Is it possible to script the strategy instrument and data range?
Here is what to consider when Calculating OnEachTick
Ninjatrader vs Multicharts
How to regression test of strategies/codes in Ninjatrader?
Architecture Template places 3 Sell Stop Orders at Price 0
Strategy based on various of Data?
How do I create a new Architecture with different indicators?
NinjaTrader 8 vs Wealth Lab Pro - for Stocks
Why do entry name says Stop Long & Stop Short
StopMarket Order Rejection !
Parameter DateTime HH:mm:ss
Radio buttons and On/Off switches in parameters
Brackets trouble
why check order name existance ?
return; goes where exactly ?
Whats the best way I can use the code as a template?
Simple Code Version Backup in VisualStudio
Making own UI-Windows possible ?
Tick contract volume exists or one contract per tick
Chart display scaling vertically
Price during life of bar
Instantiating indicators in Architect Framework
Parameter Creation
Display Summary for Strategy Parameters
AveragePrice and calculation
State == State.SetDefaults, how does it process ?
Using Indicator for Profit Target or Stop Loss
fh: SetStopLossTicks ... is it to cancel yet unfilled orders ?
fh: OnExecutionUpdate
fh: SetSignal(), is it providing different options ?
fh: what exactly am i doing here with PivotUp1 ?
fh: What exactly does Series and PivotUp1 do here ?
fh: OnBarUpdate meaning any time during bar life or only at close of bar ?
fh: where is isLong value being generated if true ?
Turn on labels inside code
Stop Order isn't triggering on Entry Bar
Problem with references, some of them show as yellow triangles
There is no SLN file inside the folder to open with Visual Studio